Taisia Korotkova: New Habitat

Vi är otroligt glada att få presentera den Italienbaserade konstnären Taisia Korotkovas soloutställning "New Habitat". Taisia Korotkova tilldelades Kandinskypriset för ung konst 2010 och har deltagit i utställningar i Europa och Ryssland. Haka har arbetat med henne förut, till exempel när haka curerade hennes utställning på Teatergalleriet 2007 och senare 2009-2010 när hon var en del av utställningen Swedish Family på Moskva Museum of Modern Art och Uppsala konstmuseum. 2018 är hon tillbaka med plats anpassade teckningar, missa inte, du är varmt välkommen!

(Scroll down for an english version and the artist statement.)

We are very pleased to present the Milano based artist Taisia Korotkova solo exhibition New Habitat. Taisia Korotkova was awarded the Kandinsky Prize, for Young Artist in 2010 and has participated in exhibitions in Europa and Russia. Haka has worked with her before, first in arranging her exhibition at Teater Galleriet in 2007 and later in 2009-2010 she was a part of the exhibition Swedish Family who haka curated at Moscow Museum of Modern art and Uppsala Art Museum. In 2018 she is back with a huge solo show, don't miss, you are most welcome!

Taisia Korotkova about the upcoming exhibition:

«The main questions I work with are about the relationships between human society and contemporary science, industry and technologies.
The themes of my last series are space exploring, human reproduction technologies, Soviet nuclear heritage and its influence on the human life and ecology.
I got an art education in post Soviet academical system, and I use the language of painting and drawing that was accepted in USSR. It was based on European realistic tradition and was used for propaganda more or less successfully. But the subjects I choose for my works are distant from the idealistic themes of Soviet Art.
The technique of my painting is an egg-tempera on gesso, on wooden panel. For the graphic work I use different materials, such as etching, lithography and drawing.

At the exhibition in Uppsala I will show four of my projects. They are: Reproduction, a series of paintings dedicated to the new technologies in human reproduction and medicine, «The dark forest» my new drawing project, which explores how the prehistorical social schemes and codes «sprout» through contemporary life an culture, «The Large Hadron Collider» series of etchings, which continue the general theme of my art: combining an old art technique with a subject dedicated to new technologies in science. Also, there will be a series of a small paintings, «portraits» of fungi, which can digest plastic.
I chose the title «New habitat» because all the subjects I draw exist in our life. Sometimes we don’t notice them because we are used to them, or because they are posted in special «closed» areas and appear in parallel to everyday life.»

Website : www.taisiakorotkova.com

Köttinspektionen konst får stöd från:
Kulturnämnden, Uppsala kommun
Region Uppsala, Kultur och bildning

1/12-16/12 2018

1 dec kl 15.00

ons-fre: 15-19
lör-sön: 12-16

Opening Hours:
Wed-Fri: 15-19
Sat-Sun: 12-16
